Sunday, 28 January 2018

Promotional Video

A promotional video, which also know as a 'corporate video' is a video that is commissioned by a business or organisation, to communicate a certain message to their audience. 

Promotional videos are commonly shown at specific events or sent to clients directly. However, they are many different ways a corporate video can be shown; sometimes companies will display them on their website or be broadcasted depending on the purpose of the video and the certain message the company are trying to communicate to their audience. 

Corporate videos will always have:
  • A specific purpose 
  • Function
  • Target Audience
Depending on the type of corporation or promotional video, depends on what codes and conventions will be portrayed. This is also dependent on it's purpose and function, as well as the target audience. The promotional video must reflect the brand identity of the corporation that it is being made for.

Codes and Conventions of promotional videos:
  • Interviews
  • Vox Pops {popular opinion as represented by informal comments from members of the public, especially when broadcast or published}
  • Brand Identity {the name, logo, tone, tagline, typeface, and shape that create an appeal. Brand identity is a separate category from brand image. Brand identity is the message the consumer receives from the product, person, or thing. The brand identity will connect product recognition}
  • Copyright Free
  • Motif {decorative image or design, especially a repeated one forming a pattern}
  • Instructional
  • Graphics
  • Customer Testimonials {written recommendation from a celebrity or satisfied customer affirming the performance, quality, and/or value of a product or service}
  • Endorsements {recommendation of someone or something}
  • Cutaways {cutaway shot is the interruption of a continuously filmed action by inserting a view of something else}
  • Presenter
  • Product Photography
  • Demonstrations
  • Length
  • Mode of Address {modes of address can be defined as the ways in which relations between addresser and addressee are constructed in a text}
  • Narrative
  • Targeting an Audience

Types of Promotional / Corporate Video
There are 6 different types of corporate videos:
  • Production Launch / Marketing 
  • Promote Key Messages & Values
  • Internal Communications {internal communications is the function responsible for effective communications among participants within an organisation}
  • Internal / External Training {internal training offers employers and employees advantages that are not found when you send an employee to an external training program or seminar}
  • Show-Reels {a show-reel which also known as a demo reel is a short piece of video or film footage showcasing an actor or presenter's previous work}
  • Event Coverage

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