Monday, 4 December 2017

Freud's Theory of Id, Ego and Super- Ego {FILM PLAN}

Basic Outline: My initial idea to portray Freud's Theory regarding the Id, Ego and Super- Ego, is to have a clear distinction of which part is being played through the use of clothing. I would like to use the same subject but different outfits to portray the Id, Ego and Super-Ego; this is in order to show that everyone has an Ego that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-egoTo portray the Super-Ego through the use of clothing; I want my subject to be wearing White Clothing in order to emphasise the Super-Ego, as the Super-Ego acts as a self-critical conscience, that helps the human behaviour reflect on social standards learned from parents, teachers and their environment. Where as the Id will be portray through the use of dark clothing to highlight what the Id is, through the use of clothing as the Id wants whatever feels good at the time, with no consideration for the reality of the situation. The Ego will be portrayed as a normal teenager as the Ego is the realistic part of the human mind; this is the part that of the humans mind that is organised and mediates between the desires of the Id and the Super-Ego

My main focus within this film is the sound, I plan to manipulate the sound in post production and have the Id and Super-Ego voices to come out of different side of the headphone when wearing them, for example Super-Ego coming out of the right headphone and the Id coming out of the left headphone. This is in order to emphasise what its like as the Ego to be stuck in the middle of two voices telling you right and wrong. 

Genre: Freud's Theory of Id, Ego and Super- Ego

  • Cannon or Nikon DSLR
  • Spare Battery 
  • 18-55mm lens 
  • Spot Light and White Clothing {to emphasise the Super-Ego, as the Super-Ego acts as a self-critical conscience, that helps the human behaviour reflect on social standards learned from parents, teachers and their environment}
  • Dark Clothing {to highlight what the Id is, through the use of clothing as the id wants whatever feels good at the time, with no consideration for the reality of the situation}
  • Normal Clothing {to show that the Ego is the human part of the mind that mediates between the desires of the Id and the Super-Ego}

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