Thursday, 16 November 2017

Health and Safety {STUDIO}

When using the Photography Studio it is very important that everyone is aware of their responsibility to work safely and to take immediate action to prevent accidents and warn others of potential hazards and dangers so an incident does not happen. When using the studio you need to ensure that all doorways and emergency exits are marked clearly and not obstructed.
Things to be aware of when using the studio:
  • Only people that need to be in the studio should be there, this is due to a studio being a confined space and other people not knowing the procedures of a studio. So it is advised to only have the people using the studio in there.
  • Slips, trips and falls can easily be caused by people falling over equipment, make sure that any equipment not or in use is placed in a safe place where no one can trip over.
  • Be aware that there could be issues in regard to the use of electrical equipment, the lights could run out of battery during a shoot, a bulb could break and the lights could overheat.
  • The lights over-heating; this is due to the bulbs inside using a high voltage so it is quite common that the studio lights over heat after a duration of time.
  • Issues of manual handling; the lifting and moving of heavy equipment, however this is a less frequent risk.
If in doubt when using the Photography Studio, about the use or safety of any of the equipment or health and safety ask the studio technician for support.

No Food or Drink is to be taken into the studio. This is to prevent food or drink being split during your time in the studio as it can destroy or damage any of the equipment inside, getting electric shocks from the wires. This can also be a slip hazard if any food or drink is to be spilt on the floor, there is also a possibility that photographic chemicals are in the studio, creating the risk of contaminating your food and drinks.

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